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Public Educators Association of Texas (PEAT) was created on September 1, 2005 pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code.  Chapter 791 allows public entities to join together (pool) for the purpose of purchasing insurance coverage including property, general liability, auto, and Professional liability.

When PEAT formed in 2005, there was a shortage of public education providers.  PEAT quickly grew and by September 1, 2006 had 40 members.  At that time, Texas became a very attractive state for insurance providers and, consequently, the number of providers increased dramatically. Rates, though not actuarially supported, dropped significantly.  It became difficult to grow and, at the same time, maintain financial integrity.

PEAT membership remained steady at around 40 members for the next several years. Over the past 3-4 years, and especially in 2016 and 2017, Texas experienced several severe weather-related events that caused enormous damage to public school districts.  The vast majority of insurance providers (pools) had adopted a strategy

of buying a specific layer of reinsurance with a very large aggregate stop loss and collecting premium in “surplus” that would account for MOST events.  PEAT, on the other hand, developed a “Fully Funded” approach.  That is, PEAT developed a set of exposures (property being foremost) and purchased reinsurance that FULLY FUNDED those exposures.  PEAT reinsurance was much more expensive but, in the event of catastrophic claims, assured its member districts that it was fully capable of paying those claims.

2017 saw the demise of one of the large insurance providers due to NOT having enough surplus to cover several large hail-related events.  This created a great opportunity for PEAT to offer those districts a FULLY FUNDED alternative at competitive rates with very broad coverage terms.

2017 was a banner year for PEAT in terms of growth and membership.  Pursuant to its original approach, PEAT still offers a FULLY FUNDED program and is the very best way to provide insurance protection for its member districts and community colleges.


Mr. Howell has over 30 years experience insuring public schools and community colleges.  He is a former coach, teacher, and school administrator and understands the unique exposures facing public schools and community colleges.  He is a past member of the Tyler Independent School District Board of Trustees, past President of the TISD Educational Foundation, past Chair of Junior Achievement of Tyler and former adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Tyler and teacher at Tyler Junior College. He is currently active in the Literacy Council and a Director of Cooperative Teachers Credit Union.

Mr. Howell enjoys travel, historical and genealogical research, and anything outdoors.  He holds a B.A. from the University of Texas at Arlington and an M.A. from the University of North Texas and has completed post graduate work in Educational Administration.

Birth signals new life but
an education means a better life.
–Horace Mann


Josh Johnson – Chair

Josh Johnson – Chair

Carlisle ISD

Open Board Member Position

Open Board Member Position


Open Board Member Position

Open Board Member Position


Lawrence Coleman

West Rusk ISD

Jon Hartgraves

Jon Hartgraves

Archer City ISD

Dr. Gilbert Trevine

Dr. Gilbert Trevine

Floydada ISD

Joe Brannen

Joe Brannen

New Summerfield ISD


The Public Educators Association of Texas (PEAT) program is administrated by the Public Risk Underwriters of Texas (PRU). PRU has provided administration of the program since the pool’s inception in 2005. The primary functions of PRU are:

  • Underwriting and pricing of individual members.
  • Insure that the Aggregate Stop Loss is fully funded each year.
  • Working with brokers to obtain the best reinsurance terms possible. PRU works with intermediators to negotiate the best possible reinsurance terms and price with strong A rated carriers. PRU has developed an excellent working relationship with our reinsurers.
  • Monitoring of the programs loss experience.

The following PRU employees are assigned to the PEAT program and are dedicated to providing the best possible service to the PEAT program. All members of the PEAT team have multiple years of experience insuring public entities and schools.